Amid the tragic passing of Matthew Perry, much of the ongoing media coverage has contributed to confusion and misinformation surrounding ketamine therapy. As a clinic committed to offering safe, medically supervised IV ketamine treatments, we believe it’s important to address these misconceptions and highlight the true value of this therapy for mental health.
For individuals who haven’t found relief with traditional antidepressants, ketamine therapy can be life-changing, even life-saving. Let’s keep our focus on facts and continue to advocate for this powerful treatment’s vital role in modern mental health care.
At Innerbloom, we remain dedicated to offering compassionate, evidence-based care that honors the potential of ketamine therapy while prioritizing patient safety above all.
CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, interviews Dr. David Feifel, a pioneering clinician in the use of ketamine for treating depression. Together, they discuss Matthew Perry’s story, the critical role of finding a trusted ketamine provider and clinic, the importance of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and the risks associated with telehealth and at-home ketamine treatments.
A Comprehensive Overview of Ketamine Therapy for Mental Health and Pain
Ketamine Risks, Side Effects, and Addiction
IV Ketamine Therapy for Depression Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide
Considering At-Home Ketamine Therapy? Read This First
5 Common Misconceptions About Ketamine
How to Select the Best Ketamine Clinic and Recognize Potential Red Flags
Frequently Asked Questions About Ketamine Therapy for Mental Health and Pain Treatment
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