The actual healing of the brain (neurogenesis and neuroplasticity) takes place after the infusions and is ongoing. Whatever the overall intention - alleviation of symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, or physical healing symptom relief, there may be small but subtle changes you notice. I have been putting together a ‘What Do You Notice’ handout to be used after infusions – This is just the start! The more I talk to patients after infusions I'm sure more things will come up!
1. A shift in perspective or paradigm – concerning yourself, others, the world around you – maybe the glass is beginning to look half full rather than half empty?
2. “Amygdala down regulation” i.e., startle response decreases – spending less time in “fight, flight, freeze mode” (sympathetic nervous system), more time in relaxed and calm state (parasympathetic nervous system).
3. Less reactivity and the ability to “stop” and “think” before responding.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space – and in that space there is the power to choose a response. In that response lies growth and freedom” - Viktor Frankl. The challenge is to find that elusive space – sometimes, ketamine provides the elusive space.
4. Less irritability and or anxiousness.
5. Decrease in defensiveness and taking things personally.
6. Decrease in wanting to isolate.
7. More physical and or emotional energy overall to engage with people in conversation and relationship.
8. If working with physical issues and pain – any type of change in symptoms, frequency, timing, place in the body.
9. Decrease in feeling “overwhelmed all the time.”
10. Experience “less” of that “critical voice” in your head.
11. Notice being kinder and nicer to yourself – allowing for mistakes.
12. Do you notice a difference in your yoga, meditation, breath work, grounding practice?
13. Ability to think outside the box in solving problems – the ability to approach a challenge from a different place.
14. Knowing that a difficult period will end- can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
15. Identify the difference between being “harried” vs” overwhelmed”.
16. Change in appetite and sleep patterns.
17. Able to manage daily stressors easier – finding not mentally emotionally exhausted by the end of the day.
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