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Expert Advice from Nutritionist Jobie Brigham on Water, Sleep, Emotional Support, Exercise, Nutrition, and Supplementation

Innerbloom was honored to welcome esteemed nutritionist Jobie Brigham for an enlightening seminar, where she shared her expertise on fostering healthier and longer lives. With her background training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Jobie brings a wealth of knowledge gleaned from extensive research into dietary theories and practical lifestyle coaching methods. Her specialization lies in supporting individuals grappling with autoimmune issues, including Celiac disease, food allergies, and various challenging health conditions. As a valuable resource, we're thrilled to provide a recording of her insightful presentation and a comprehensive handout she prepared for the occasion.

Listen to Jobie's Presentation

A Handout by Jobie Brigham

Water - It's free, easy and essential

  • Why?
    • 60% of our bodies are made up of water. When we dehydrate, every cell in our body starts to shrivel up and cannot be effective at whatever it is it's supposed to do.
    • Blood thickens
    • Lymph grow stagnant- lymph is supposed to clear out toxins
    • Circulation decreases
    • Kidneys incur injury and loss of effectiveness
Smallest vasculature in the body also some of the most vulnerable to damage
    • How much should you be drinking?
      • Half your body weight in ounces - minimal.
 For ex: 140lb person=70ounces, 200lb person= 100 oz
      • How do I know I'm getting enough
      • Urine should be light colored and not smell bad
      • GFR on blood work should be 90 or above
      • Waking up super stiff in the mornings can often be a sign of too much acidity that is linked to under functioning kidneys

Sleep - It affects your mood, your energy, your food choices and more

**Innerbloom recently posted a great blog on sleep - check it out here

  • Use an eye mask!
  • Temperature - keep your room cool, open a window if you can
  • Sleep hygiene- keep a consistent routine, same time to bed and same time to rise
  • Morning Light! Circadian rhythms- first light helps you fall asleep at night.
Afternoon light to help you stay asleep
  • Try magnesium glycinate 300+mg to help with sleep
  • Bathroom calls - try to hold out. Reposition and see if you can't fall back asleep

Emotional, mental well-being - Being in connection with others is the #1 predictor of happiness, longevity and success

  • Long term 60 year old Grant study looked at many elements of life and found - Only one thing correlates with longevity, success and happiness and that was how many genuine connections you have in your life. 60 years later this was the best predictor whether participants were still alive happy and successful. Connection is the secret sauce.
  • Great recent podcast by Dhru Puriot with Charles Duhigg on The Power of Connection
  • Learning to be a good listener- understanding if the person we are talking with needs to be heard, helped or hugged.
  • Just us listening brings health to our bodies. It's an active way to be present
  • Minimize and be conscious of toxic people.

Exercise/Movement - Why, how much and what kind?
Don't be overwhelmed.

  • Circulation - fresh blood to joints, organs and brain!
    • Blood takes nutrient and oxygen to cells, carries away waste to keep cells clean and healthy and to minimize inflammation and pain
    • Oxygen to the brain is critical. Exercises increases oxygen to the brain and is thee most important defenses against dementia and Alzheimer's ili. Nutrients to our cells keeps up feeling energized, awake and alive!
  • Cardiovascular - heart strength and vein integrity
    • Heart is a muscle- it needs to be worked to grow stronger and more capable.
    • Vascular system needs integrity/strength. We need constant energy moving through our veins to strengthen and keep them toned
    • Globally, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of mortality. Approximately 18 million people died from cardiovascular disease (CVDs) representing more than 30% of all global deaths.
    • It is well documented that high blood pressure is "the single largest risk factor" for death in the world.
    • Two lifestyle things that work really well for high blood pressure?
Exercise and meditation

    • By the year 2025, an estimated 1.6 billion of the world adult population will have hypertension. This is an increase of about 60% compared to the year 2000.
      • 2 TBSP flaxseed ground daily as good as taking most anti diuretic medications
      • Magnesium and leafy greens

Strength training - Weights or body weight exercises?

  • Keeps musculature around your joints and spine supported
  • Muscle mass is supported by weight training and protein- and is one of
the major indicators of longevity.
  • Muscle mass is the essences of our metabolism

Nutrition - Fuel for your body!

  • Veggies - fiber, vitamins, minerals-
    • Veggies are what create our armor, or defense against cancer, diabetes and most diseases.
    • Colon cancer, diverticulitis and most bowel issues are due to too little fiber. Fiber fights cancer by helping clean garbage out of our bodies like the trash truck.
    • Enough fiber fends off diabetes because it helps regulate our blood sugar iv. Veggies are made up of anti-oxidants- these are our anti-cancer molecules. They are what heal and regenerate our skin and internal organs
    • Leafy and cruciferous veggies are some of the most nutritious and powerful foods
      • Minerals in leafy greens can help regulate blood pressure. Fiber in broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts... can help regulate hormones, balance blood sugar and keep our bodies working well
    • Find veggies you like! Pick and choose. Find recipes that work for you and eat your veggies!
    • How much? The more the better but maybe shoot for 2-4 cups a day
  • Protein - quality matters!
    • Protein breaks into amino acids and these make up every organ and tissue n your body.
    • Take your time when you eat. Chew well. Pro Tip: if you have trouble digesting meat try eating with a little raw sauerkraut if you like it or consider digestive enzymes
    • Typical RDA is 8g/kg. Meaning a 150lb person should eat around 60 grams of protein. Basically, half your body weight in grams
    • If you are vegan or vegetarian you have to be really conscientious about getting enough protein. You also need to supplements with B12 as that is one nutrient that is only in meat.

Fasting - It's free, easy, and so effective

  • Start with gentle increments and slowly extend the time between your meals.

Supplements - They can't substitute for healthy food and movement

  • B complex (activated or methylated form) every morning.
  • Vitamin D take with food on a regular basis. Know your blood levels and supplement accordingly
  • Magnesium generally before bed usually 500-1000mg. Citrate if you have sluggish bowels, Glycinate if you don't want your bowels affected.
Jobie Brigham, Nutritionist Extraordinaire, at Innerbloom: San Luis Obispo's Ketamine Therapy Clinic
Remember your body is amazing and your health is a gift.
Yes, it takes energy and work to maintain, but it is so worth it.
What is life without your health?
It's not a chore to take care of ourselves. It is a privilege.
If you were to do one or two things to upgrade your health, what should it be?
How can you make this happen? What are your strengths and supports that are going to ensure your progress in this area?
Identify your targets for example: drink 80ounces of water a day, or eat 60g of protein, or exercise 30 minutes a day
Next identify your motivators and strategies. What is going to help you stay on track and be successful?

Keep reading

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